As of March 23, The Louisiana Department of Revenue and Taxation has extended the filing and payment date for monthly taxes due March 20, 2020. Businesses have additional time to file returns due this month for sales and excise taxes collected by the Louisiana Department of Revenue (LDR). The extended deadline is May 20, 2020, for applicable returns and payments that were due Friday, March 20.
The extension applies to sales, beer excise and wine excise tax returns and payments for the February 2020 tax period. By state law, sales and excise tax returns for any monthly tax period are generally due on the 20th day of the following month. However, LDR is extending this month’s deadline due to the public health emergency caused by the coronavirus pandemic. This is an automatic extension and no extension request is necessary. LDR will waive penalties and interest for applicable returns and payments received by the extended May 20 deadline.
We will keep you posted of additional tax relief measures as they are announced. As always, if you have any questions, please contact our tax partner Jay Lobrano at 504-433-3100.
Francis J. “Jay” Lobrano
Belle Chasse, LA
147 Keating Drive
Belle Chasse, LA 70037
TEL: (504) 433.3100
FAX: (504) 433.3103