Last week Carver Darden Member David Landry, the 2023 Chairman of the Board for the St. Tammany Chamber of Commerce, was honored to represent St. Tammany Parish and attend the Economic Development Luncheon, and the U.S. Chamber Policy Briefing in Washington D.C. as a part of the 75th annual Washington Mardi Gras. St. Tammany Parish was well represented by many influential people during five days of invaluable meetings and receptions. The Economic Development Luncheon was a wonderful event and provided a fantastic platform for the attendees to interact with elected officials, members of Congress, and key business leaders. Nearly 150 business and elected leaders from around the region also attended the St. Tammany Parish Reception. The U.S. Chamber Policy Briefing was another sensational highlight. Topics included excellent presentations on international trade policy, a federal legislative update and political outlook, and cybersecurity. Chamber leaders from across the state were impressed with the character and knowledge of the U.S. Chamber officials.
The biggest takeaway was Boysie Bollinger’s motivating words of wisdom: “Never, Ever Quit!” A video montage of these spectacular events can be accessed below.
Laissez les bons temps rouler!